Subject: God Loves Homosexuals Author: Robert A. Grove Uploaded By: SNearman Date: 11/3/1995 File: God Loves Homosexuals (9938 bytes) Estimated Download Time (33696 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 188 Equipment: Mac or PC Needs: Text Reader Key words: Gay, Homosexuals, Lesbians, God, Love, Bible, Christian uploaded by: Steve Nearman e-mail: 73 Caisson Road Fredericksburg VA 22405 Read related topics at Web Site: God Loves The Homosexuals, Lesbians, Fornicator And Adulterer At this time in the history of man, a great deal of hatred is being expressed against individuals whose lifestyle is described in the title of this brochure. Much of this hatred is expressed by well-meaning people who are very concerned about the way the world is going. Many of them profess to believe the Bible is the word of God. Many of them claim to be Christians. Many well-meaning people feel that the Bible condones expressions of hatred or acts of violence toward people who live in these ways. Interestingly enough, most of the feelings expressed are toward those who fall into the category of Homosexual or "Gay" men and Lesbian women. There seems to be a double standard in society when two out of the four lifestyles described cause expressions of hatred and violence and the other two are looked upon as acceptable conduct. If you think the Bible teaches that God hates homosexuals and lesbians, you are very wrong. On the other hand, if you believe that God condones the conduct of the fornicator and the adulterer, you are wrong. by Robert A. Grove (540)371-3047 P.O. Box 7253 Fredericksburg VA 22404